My Beautiful Girls

My Girls >3

My Girls >3
Liliana & Alessandra

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

G45 Big day tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Well tomorrow is the day that Graphic 45 will announce the new design team!
I am sad to see the current design team to leave, they all have such amazing talents!!! Susan Dupri (DTL)did such a great job!!! Thanks to all the Design Team members!!!!
AS for me I hope my talents were enough to get me there! I am super excited and nervous all at the same time!!!!

Thanks to all who wished me luck!
Totally excited,!
Laura De La Rosa
The Vintage Key



May you be one of the new design team members. I think your designs are super clever. Happy creating...


Good Luck Laura!! Hope you get it :)

g45 necklace

Christmas mini

Christmas scrapbook donated to Dow Electronics christmas party {}
